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Tea Time

Every day from 4:50 PM

Mushroom Risotto

Now on our lunch menu

Easter brunch

Make a reservation now

Pasta Mare

Catch-of-the-day goodness

Responsible Farming

Happy cows make better beef

Have a pint

Sign up to our draft beer tasting

Herbal Garden

Organic and right from the source

Delicious Desserts

Don't forget to ask for the menu

Fine Coffee

We serve the best Arabica

Spring Sundae

Homemade gelato and biscuit

Grilled Goods

Join our Asado next Sunday

Michelin Honor

Copper House receives its first star

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Visit Us

123 Main Street
Anytown, United Kingdom

Copper Hill

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+44 (0)555 555 5555


Tue – Thu
11 am – 11.30 pm
Sunday/Monday Closed

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